I was hopeful that Road Trip Planner would be at least somewhat helpful with planning a road trip, but my expectations werent met.
Road Trip Planner is simply not intuitive. I found it frustratingly difficult to comprehend.
It doesnt appear to provide any means of specifying a daily start and end drive time or a stop duration for destinations along a route. Further, while the Mac Maps app has improved to the point where it can identify with reasonable accuracy certain destinations by simple name, Road Trip Planner appears to be using a different, and substantially limited, dataset as it seems quite incapable of identifying even major landmarks as destinations.
Still, Im quite hopeful that the developer will improve the product over time.
Until Road Trip Planner version 2.x, or even 3.x is released and is capable of being at least a passable road trip planning tool, Im afraid Ill have to keep depending on MS Streets & Trips running on a Windows VM.
Esther Mofet about Road Trip Planner